Beylikdüzü OSB Mahallesi 2. Bulvar NO: 6/1 BEYLİKDÜZÜ, İSTANBUL
+90 534 296 6000
+90 212 875 71 77

Granule Production


Plastic granules refer to the small, pellet-shaped form of recycled plastic materials or virgin plastic raw materials. These granules serve as a fundamental raw material in the production of new plastic products. The plastic granule production process generally consists of the following stages:


Raw Material Collection

 Plastic granule production begins with the collection of recyclable plastic waste. This waste typically comes from industrial waste, household waste, or surplus plastic materials from production processes.

Sorting and Classification
 The collected plastic waste is sorted by type (e.g., PET, HDPE, PP). Separating different types of plastic is a critical step to obtain higher-quality granules.

 The sorted plastics are cleaned of any remaining foreign materials (labels, adhesives, metals, etc.)

Shredding and Crushing
 The collected plastic waste is sorted by type (e.g., PET, HDPE, PP). Separating different types of plastic is a critical step to obtain higher-quality granules.
Melting (Extrusion)

The shredded plastics are transferred to extrusion machines operating at high temperatures. In these machines, the plastics are melted and turned into liquid form. During melting, the material is homogenized to achieve a consistent structure.

Granulation (Cutting)

The melted plastic is shaped into thin threads or strips at the extrusion machine’s output. These strips are then cut into small granules using a “granule cutting machine.”

Cooling and Drying

The newly formed plastic granules are cooled in water baths or with air. Once cooled, the granules are dried to remove all moisture.


 In the final stage, the plastic granules undergo quality control tests. After passing quality checks, the granules are bagged and stored, ready for production or export.